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Extraordinary meeting of the Parish Council including Planning and Environment


The extraordinary meeting of the Parish Council including Planning and Environment is to be held by video conference at 7pm on Monday 11 January 2021. Members of the public are invited to attend and listen to the proceedings. (Zoom meeting access details attached)

In the interests of transparency, the council asks that any person wishing to record the meetings proceedings informs the Chairman prior to the start of the meeting and that recording equipment is on view. There is an Open Session on the Agenda at which time members of the public are invited to raise any matters pertaining to the work of the committee, limited to fifteen minutes, during which time Standing Orders will be suspended.


  1. Apologies for Absence
  2. Declarations of Interest  
  3. Minutes of the Full Council Extraordinary Remote Meeting held on 14 December 2020 for Approval 
  4. Chairmanā€™s Announcements
  5. Clerkā€™s Report on Previous Minutes
  6. Open Session for Members of the Public to Raise Matters of Council Business, Limited to 15 Minutes
  7. 2021/22 Budget, Precept and Year End 31.3.2021 Designated and Restricted Reserves: To Approve (to follow)
  • Planning & Environment
  • Applications; To Consider
  • Planning Decisions: To Note  
  • Roadworks Bulletin ā€“ Marl Road & South Avenue
  • RBC Planning Enforcement Policy: Consultation Exercise
  • RBC TPOā€™s Not Proposed ā€“ Application refs 20/00147/CONARE and 20/00184/CONARE
  • Energy Saving Trust: Electric Charging Points: To Consider
  • Holme Lane, Holme Pierrepont ā€“ Traffic Discussion Document
  • Correspondence

10.   Parish Councillors and Outside Organisations Reports

11.    Reports from Borough and County Councillors

    The Chairman to move that the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of item 12 on the grounds that  
    it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admissions to meetings) Act

12.   To Accept the Minutes of the Personnel and Wages Sub Committee Meeting Held  04 January 2021 (to follow)

13.   Date of Next Full Council (inc Planning) Meeting ā€“ 08 February 2021

J. Grice