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Local Contacts

Member of Parliament

James Naish

Abandoned vehicles

(Is a matter for Rushcliffe Borough Council): 0115 9819911

Births, Deaths and Marriage Registrar:

0300 500 80 80

Blocked main drains

(Severn Trent Water): 0800 783 4444

Bridleways and public footpaths

(Notts County Council): 0300 500 80 80

Bus hotline and timetables:

0871 200 22 33

Bus passes

(Rushcliffe Borough Council): 0115 9819911

Council tax benefits

(Rushcliffe Borough Council): 0115 9819911.

Disabled parking permits

including special access for Central Avenue, West Bridgford:

0300 500 80 80

Disposal of unwanted household items

(Rushcliffe Borough Council): 0115 9819911

Dog fouling

(Rushcliffe Borough Council employ a full time dog warden who can be called in to deal with specific instances of fouling): Tel. 0115 981 9911.

Dumped rubbish and fly tipping

(Rushcliffe Borough Council): 0115 9819911

Electoral registration

(Rushcliffe Borough Council): 0115 9819911


0845 988 1188


(Rushcliffe Borough Council):   0115 9819911

Grass verge cutting

(Notts County Council): 0300 500 80 80

Gritting all roads

(Notts County Council): 0300 500 80 80

Home Help

(Notts County Council Social Services): 0300 500 80 80

Home Improvement grants

(Rushcliffe Borough Council): 0115 9819911

Insect control

(Rushcliffe Borough Council): 0115 9819911

Litter bins

( This is a joint operation between the parish council and Rushcliffe Borough Council)

Noise nuisance and anti-social behaviour

(Rushcliffe Borough Council): 0115 9819911

Odour and smoke complaints

(Rushcliffe Borough Council): 0115 9819911

Private hire operators

(Rushcliffe Borough Council): 0115 9819911


(Notts County Council and Rushcliffe Borough Council  are responsible or provision of parking facilities. Currently no charges are imposed for use of the existing car parks).
Restrictions in regard to yellow lines are imposed by Notts County Council and are under the jurisdiction of the police.


(Rushcliffe Borough Council): 0115 9819911

Refuse collection

(Rushcliffe Borough Council): 0115 9819911

Road drainage

(Notts County Council): 0300 500 80 80

Rushcliffe Council for Voluntary Service:

0115  969 9060

Rushcliffe Primary Care Trust:

0115 883 7880


(Rushcliffe Borough Council): 0115 9819911

Street lighting

(Notts County Council): 0300 500 80 80

Trading Standards

(Notts County Council): 01623 452005

Winter fuel allowance

(Helpline): 08459 151515