Remote-Controlled Brush Cutter at work on Dewberry Hill, 04/10/23
The video here shows a MDB Green Climber LV600 Clearance Machine fitted with a heavy-duty flail mower being used on Dewberry Hill. It is designed to work on slopes of up to 60 degrees, its stability is guaranteed by rubber tracks, which are hydraulically expandable (sideways) from 1,300 to 1,700mm.
This is an annual project funded by Rushcliffe Borough Council and organised by Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust to assist in the maintenance of Nature Reserves and Local Wildlife Sites in the Borough. This is the fifth year that the machine has operated on Dewberry Hill at the request of Radcliffe Conservation Group. It is used to widen out the network of paths on the site and to control the encroachment of bramble, especially onto the maintained areas of remaining grassland, thus ensuring that Dewberry Hill retains a mosaic of habitats that benefits a diverse range of flora and fauna.
The Radcliffe Conservation Group is always keen to hear from members of the community, who would like to help with projects and activities at our two Local Wildlife Sites. Please contact Phillip Taylor for further details, email